SHCA Junior Awards

Conformation - Junior Showmanship Awards

The SHCA offers the following three awards:

Top Junior Handler of the Year is awarded to the applicant with the highest total number of defeated competitiors.

Most Best Juniors is awarded to the Junior with the most Best Junior placements. Reserve Best Junior placements are not included in the calculations, except in the case of a tie.

Most First Places is awarded to the Junior with the most First Placements/Class wins.

Only wins earned while competing in the Junior Showmanship classes at AKC licensed or member shows while handling a Siberian Husky will be counted toward the awarding of points.

These awards pertain to the January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2024 timeframe; all rankings and wins are verified by an AKC report and generally are aligned with the Canine Chronical Statistics for the qualifying year.

The applicant must have shown a Siberian Husky in Junior Showmanship competition within the above timeline. Even if the Junior only showed a few times, it is highly encouraged they apply. These awards are not only a way of recognizing the achievements in the show ring but also the time and dedication by said Junior to the sport and the breed. The winner(s) will be announced at the Annual Banquet of the National Specialty. The deadline for all applications is Monday July 28th, 2025. Applications can be sent by US mail or email.

Junior Showmanship Award Application Form PDF
Junior Showmanship Award Application Form DOC 
In accordance with SHCA annual awards, only members are eligible to apply/receive, the exception are the Junior Showmanship Program Awards, where a Sponsor for the Junior enables eligibility (sponsorship page is included with application)

Follow SHCA Juniors on Facebook.

Performance - SHCA for Top Scoring Junior Agility, Obedience, and Rally

This will be awarded annually to the Top Scoring Junior Agility, Obedience and Rally in the SHCA. You must have exhibited the same Siberian Husky for the three qualifying trials. Please provide all requested information for the specific award you are applying for; Top Scoring in Agility, Top Scoring in Obedience, Top Scoring in Rally. You may apply for any or all of the awards on this one form. The winner will be announced at the Annual Banquet of the National Specialty. The deadline for all applications is Monday July 28th, 2025. Applications can be sent by US mail or email.

Junior Performance Award Application Form PDF 
Junior Performance Award Application Form DOC
In accordance with SHCA annual awards, only members are eligible to apply/receive, the exception are the Junior Showmanship Program Awards, where a Sponsor for the Junior enables eligibility (sponsorship page is included with application)

Follow SHCA Juniors on Facebook.

For more information, any questions, or to email a completed application please email us at