SHCA Breeder Exhibitor Fancier (BEF) Education
The mission of the Breeder Exhibitor Fancier Education Committee is to assist Siberian Husky fanciers interested in conformation, companion, or working/performance events and potential Siberian Husky breeders by providing access to on-going education utilizing BEF education forums and outreach programs.
SHCA Responsible Breeding Practice Materials
Legacy Iconic Breeder Interviews Project
The AKC Parent Club’s Breeder Development Committee shared the idea of creating video interviews of legacy breeders and in 2024, we got on board with this and have started the interviewing process.
Here are the links to our interviews:
Mr. Michael Jennings of Demavand Siberian Huskies and the Demavand Photo Gallery.
Mrs. Janis Church Stadler Of The Midnight Sun Siberian Huskies and Of The Midnight Sun Photo Gallery.
Enjoy & Happy Viewing.
Educational Seminars
2024 Health & Genetics Chair Dr. Kevin Snyder, DVM, Shaking Puppy Syndrome, Type 1 (SPS1) and Siberian Husky Polyneuropathy, Type 1 (SHPN1) Education and SHCA Testing Requirements
2023 SHCA National Specialty Presenter: Tim Terella
Handling 101
2022 SHCA National Specialty Presenter: Wayne Curtis Performance 101 – Preparing to and Running Your Dogs
2021 SHCA National Specialty Presenter: Sheri Wright
Join the Siberian Husky Breeder Exhibitor Fancier Education Group on FaceBook
The voice of purebred dogs. Your passion is our purpose. Pure Dog Talk podcasts
The AKC Canine College offers updated webinars on canine breeding topics, including the Canine Breeder Excellence Seminar Series.
The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) has educational resources to help you breed and raise healthier puppies! As the largest funder of health research focused solely on dogs, CHF is working to advance the health of current and future generations of dogs. AKC Breeder Resources
The Institute of Canine Biology Basic Population Genetics for Dog Breeders free online course
With funding from CHF and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, the Review of the Current State of Genetic Testing in Dogs was created as a resource to help dog breeders, owners, and veterinarians make sound decisions with regard to interpreting and understanding the implications of genetic test results. Click here for An Introduction. Click here for the Current State of Genetic Testing in Dogs